Issue #3 July/August. Kirkland MC Alumni News.
Summer is in full swing and we are excited to share updates with you!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Word from Pastor Norm

As Master’s Commission alumni the practice of truth is everything. There are the times and seasons in life where truth must be acquired and there are the times and seasons where truth is to be applied. Though the acquiring of truth promises to be adventurous, it is in the application of truth that we are blessed and set free. The Master’s Commission year is an amazing season for the acquiring of truth. Every day is another opportunity to discover and be impacted by the revelation of God’s Word. Day after day the impact of that encounter builds and as a result lives are radically turned upside down. The past years have proven the Master’s Commission “program” is effective. The question however is what do the graduating students do with the truth that so radically changed them during the year? If the truth they received is still practiced they continue in the transformation. However, if the truth they received is heard only and not practiced they set themselves up for delusion, if not deception. This is why the book of James is so strong in its warning that we not be hearers of the Word only.
So this is a call to all of our Master’s Commission Alumni. Continue to practice the truth just as you practiced it during your MC year. Your growth in the MC year was meant to be only a beginning, a foretaste of the lifestyle to come. Blessing is in the doing. Freedom is in the practice. Emergers are doers. Those who do the truth they receive and will be those who are distinguished by the Lord and walk in the favor of the Lord. As a result they will be those who walk happy, blessed, fulfilled because they walk in alignment with the Lord.
Marc and I love you and are blessed by the generation you are rising up to be.
Pastor Norm
Director's Update Transitioning into the next chapter!

Transitioning into the next chapter!
It is with much emotion, that we find ourselves at this time in the Master’s Commission. As most of you probably already know, beginning August 1st, both Sean Matthews and Dustin McCuen will no longer be on staff with us. Sean has been given the opportunity to be the new book keeper for Christ Church Kirkland. He will be taking over for Jackie Owner who will be transitioning into retirement in this coming year. This is in many ways a promotion for Sean and his family. Dustin and Misty, along with a team, are joining Christ Church Monroe, and Dustin will be transitioning into the role of Senior Pastor there. Mike and Yvonne Hanford will be staying on and are excited to welcome Dustin and Misty with them.
Both of these men have conducted their lives, through their sonship, integrity, character, and servant hood, as true vessels of honor. They have allowed Father, discipleship, and truth, to mold them into genuine and authentic leaders. Although neither of them are able to be replaced, and will be truly missed, we are confident that this will be a wonderful new season for them, and as well, for the Master’s Commission. It is our joy to see them moving forward into the increase of destiny and fulfilling Father’s plan for their lives.
Sean and Dustin, we love you, and we thank God for who you are and for all that you have invested into the Master’s Commission over these many years.
Love Pastor Kevin and DeeAnn (Dad & Mom)
*Also, at this time, we are pleased and excited to welcome Christy Lawson and Jeff Kline to the MC staff. We know that they will be a wonderful addition to the Master’s Commission for years to come!
MC Class of 2009 Graduation Schedule- all graduates are invited!
The Christ Church Kirkland Master’s Commission is please to invite you to the Class of 2009 Graduation Ceremonies!
Graduation Dinner
*Friday August 28th @7pm
*Christ Church Kirkland Sanctuary
*Purchase tickets or call 425.814.6303
*Tickets are $15 each and are available until August 24th
*Dressy Attire
Family Ice Cream Social
*Saturday August 29th @ 2pm
*Christ Church Kirkland
*All ages welcome, no charge
Graduation Ceremony
*Sunday August 30th during the 10am Sunday Service
*Christ Church Kirkland
The Christ Church Kirkland Master’s Commission is please to invite you to the Class of 2009 Graduation Ceremonies!
Graduation Dinner
*Friday August 28th @7pm
*Christ Church Kirkland Sanctuary
*Purchase tickets or call 425.814.6303
*Tickets are $15 each and are available until August 24th
*Dressy Attire
Family Ice Cream Social
*Saturday August 29th @ 2pm
*Christ Church Kirkland
*All ages welcome, no charge
Graduation Ceremony
*Sunday August 30th during the 10am Sunday Service
*Christ Church Kirkland
Community Transformation!

It led me to wonder, as MC graduates who all have spent a year of community service (if I can frame it that way) or more, how we are helping to solve our region’s or city’s problems. Since we are the church, are we taking an active role in bringing God’s kingdom and ways to our communities, or have we become dualistic and separated church work from marketplace work? Our responsibility as Kingdom ambassadors (try not to skip over that phrase as cliché) is to see our communities transformed into the Kingdom of God. Are we acting in that capacity, as individuals, families, and churches?
So how can we get started? Just find a need and meet it. If there are homeless or hungry people, feed them. If the city is dirty, clean it. If there is a flood, help rebuild houses. The needs of society are so practical, and yet we often wonder why we aren’t the light shining on a hill for all to see. God is good- and he’s also practical. Let’s get started today. Do or plan something for your community, and watch God act. - Braden Unger
News You Can Use!
News You Can Use!
· School of Prophetic Arts starts in September! Click here to find out more!
· You are invited to join us for our annual Family Camp! Guest Speaker: Dennis Peacocke
· KMI Church: Covenant Life Church needs a lady intern!
"We are excited and blessed to see the interest in other KMI churches to begin Master’s Commission programs in their own church, one such church is Covenant Life Church in Oklahoma City. Pastor Dwight Cunkle is partnering with three other churches and they are set to begin their third year in September. We have watched the momentum build over these last three years! Many of you have visited their church on tour before and know that God is doing some exciting things there in OKC. They have a need for a female intern for this upcoming year, beginning in fall 2009. I asked Pastor Dwight to put together a few specifics” -Pastor Kevin McCuen
“I, (Pastor Dwight Cunkle) invite lady graduates of CCK MC to consider interning with us in Masters Commission Oklahoma City this next year, if you feel called to help young women find their identity as daughters & there destiny as women of worth. We have eight students applying and are looking for one more young lady to team with us. We are so grateful for our relationship with CCK and the graduates who have helped us lay a good foundation (Larissa Cunkle, Kerry Freeman, Denica McCall, Laura Swanson and Katy Somers). In this our third year, we use nearly the same curriculum as CCK and hope to do a mission trip to Costa Rica, as well as our regular spring six state tour. If God is stirring your heart to give yourself fully to this generational vision, contact us at 405-317-9420 or To see more about us visit “- Pastor Dwight
*Please pass along this information to those you feel may be interested- below are all the details!
Contact Us!
Calling all graduates! We have heard from many of you and would still love to hear from more! October will be our next issue and we would love to include more testimonies and how you’re each are emerging where God has planted you!
We are so excited to continue to deliver updates on this blog! Please don’t hesitate to email us We look forward to hearing from you!
God Bless & May you continue to gain freedom as you practically apply truth!
Kirkland MC Alumni Association
· School of Prophetic Arts starts in September! Click here to find out more!
· You are invited to join us for our annual Family Camp! Guest Speaker: Dennis Peacocke
· KMI Church: Covenant Life Church needs a lady intern!
"We are excited and blessed to see the interest in other KMI churches to begin Master’s Commission programs in their own church, one such church is Covenant Life Church in Oklahoma City. Pastor Dwight Cunkle is partnering with three other churches and they are set to begin their third year in September. We have watched the momentum build over these last three years! Many of you have visited their church on tour before and know that God is doing some exciting things there in OKC. They have a need for a female intern for this upcoming year, beginning in fall 2009. I asked Pastor Dwight to put together a few specifics” -Pastor Kevin McCuen
“I, (Pastor Dwight Cunkle) invite lady graduates of CCK MC to consider interning with us in Masters Commission Oklahoma City this next year, if you feel called to help young women find their identity as daughters & there destiny as women of worth. We have eight students applying and are looking for one more young lady to team with us. We are so grateful for our relationship with CCK and the graduates who have helped us lay a good foundation (Larissa Cunkle, Kerry Freeman, Denica McCall, Laura Swanson and Katy Somers). In this our third year, we use nearly the same curriculum as CCK and hope to do a mission trip to Costa Rica, as well as our regular spring six state tour. If God is stirring your heart to give yourself fully to this generational vision, contact us at 405-317-9420 or To see more about us visit “- Pastor Dwight
*Please pass along this information to those you feel may be interested- below are all the details!
Contact Us!
Calling all graduates! We have heard from many of you and would still love to hear from more! October will be our next issue and we would love to include more testimonies and how you’re each are emerging where God has planted you!
We are so excited to continue to deliver updates on this blog! Please don’t hesitate to email us We look forward to hearing from you!
God Bless & May you continue to gain freedom as you practically apply truth!
Kirkland MC Alumni Association
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