THe MC Class of 2010 has successfully completed therr first stop on our 2010 Alive Again Tour. They so appreciate your prayers and support both before and since they left Kirkland. The Lord has already been answering their prayers. Kaleb Willis has provided a compilation of updates about how the tour has been going.
We have a great couple of days driving down with no problems or challenges and we made great timing! Since we took off from Kirkland on May 7th, we arrived in Novato at Christ Church Northbay (CCNB) and have had a fantastic ministry time. It was a great time with Pastor Bill and Pastor Isaac. The Lord definitely brought His presence as we performed our play in front of two different churches and CCNB’s academy.
Here are some of the highlights of our time in Novato:
Sunday morning we had a fantastic ministry time with CCNB. Jake Byland was our first prophetic painter of the stop. He received a very specific word and picture of a bunch of tear drops inside one larger tear drop. The word he got was that every tear this certain individual had cried, God had been there, right along side, crying with Him. He got up on stage and felt led to give it to an older gentleman in the back row. Without knowing the specifics as to why he felt led, he boldly spoke this word over the gentleman. Come to find out, the man’s father recently passed away, which was an extremely hard circumstance in this man’s life. He was a faithful Christian and and father who lived to be 100 years old. The whole church took a big blow in the loss of this man. Jake’s painting and word ministered to him very deeply. He came to Jake at the end of the service near tears over how much it touched him.
Riley got a word for a man need Daryl at the end of the service and really felt the Lord say clearly that he was a man who was called to be a big dreamer. When he went and began to speak to the man, he soon found out that just recently he had opened a record company called big dreams. Riley got an opportunity to pray over this man and really release the Lord’s direction and timing over his endeavors. When they continued to talk later on, he told Riley that that morning when he woke up he felt the Lord clearly say that he needed to be at church today (apparently church wasn’t his usual custom) and no matter what he did, he couldn’t get that overwhelming feeling to leave him. So when he came, he said that for the first time he felt God prove himself as real in his life.
One of the most exciting ministry interactions actually happened to one of our students. CCNB felt led to take an offering for one of the MC students who did not have her tuition fully covered. The guy taking the offering said that the Lord showed her a brunette girl in need of the extra finances. Chanel Bell just happened to fit the requirements and walked away with almost $1000 towards her unpaid tuition. She was overwhelmingly blessed and shocked by their generosity.
That might we went over to one of the larger Assemblies of God churches in the county and performed Alive Again as well. We had an incredible night there as well where the Lord met a lot of people. Jessica Hart got a word of knowledge that a lady was unable to bear children. She prayed about who it was and felt the Lord highlight someone in the audience. She took a very bold risk and approached the woman and was right on; just days earlier that very lady learned she could never bear a child. Jessica was able to pray with her and speak the goodness of the Lord over her, bringing much needed comfort and love to this woman. She was tremendously blessed, especially being that it was Mother’s Day.
Overall the Lord has been tremendously faithful in providing, covering and blessing us. We have seen him move in deep ways, touching hearts and transforming lives. We are excited to continue on these next couple weeks and see what the Lord does. We have great expectation for what is going to happen. We arrived in Santa Rosa at Pastor Adam’s church yesterday and in true Peacocke styling we have a ton of opportunities to minister and perform Alive Again. We are excited to see what is to come.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers. We are truly seeing them pay off. We love all of you and miss you all so much. Excited to be reunited with our CCK family in a couple of weeks.
God Bless,
Christ Church Kirkland Master’s Commission (via Kaleb)
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