As we are being our 16th year of Master's Commission here at Christ Church Kirkland, I am reminded of Paul's words in Philippians chapter three. "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection. I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Our goal every year is for the students to get to know their Heavenly Father and Lord in a way they never have before. The year in MC gives them an accurate view of who Father is, and it changes them forever. Then, out of that knowledge, we want them to realize that Father God has a plan for their lives that will only be accomplished, as they completely trust in Him and surrender their lives fully to Him. This is how we become those world-changers and history-makers we love to talk about.
This new class has a real hunger to know their God intimately, represent Him accurately by being transformed more into His image, and to grow in covenant relationships with each other. There is an excitement and expectation in the air for what God wants to do in them, and through them, in the months ahead. We've only begun, but the anticipation and receptivity is very encouraging. Our new staff members, Jeff Kline and Christy Lawson, are fitting in extremely well and have been a tremendous blessing to us all. The new interns this year; Kaleb Willis, Tyson Gilbert, Evan Crealock, Rosemary Puccio, Anthea Talamaivao, and Charlli Read are doing an excellent job and really carry Father's heart for the students and the MC. And of course Kelsey Greeson and Melissa Baker are doing their normal fantastic jobs as the foundation of our MC staff. We are very grateful!
As a Master's Commission graduates, DeeAnn and I pray for your regularly, and hope that you are remembering all that God did in your life while you were in MC. You got to know Father God more personally and intimately than ever before, and it changed you. We trust you are representing Him well to the world that is in desperate need of His love, wherever you find yourself in these challenging days. As we hear various stores and testimonies of your lives, we are so proud of each of you! God is being glorified through your life! Like the Apostle Paul, keep up your pursuit of "knowing Christ Jesus" and you will walk in "that for which He took hold of you" and you will change your world.
We love and miss each one of you, Pastor Kevin & DeeAnn
*current MC class of 2009-2010 updates visit: http://www.facebook.com/ (Kirkland Master's Commission)
*view MC video visit: http://www.cckirkland.org/ministries/masters_commission/
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