For many, the craziness of the world today is reason to grow anxious, discouraged and fearful. Some people would rather close the door on bad news. Really, who needs more reports of war, political turmoil, economic instability, sexual exploitation and sadness? It is sometimes easier for me to react and retreat into our Christian subculture where things are comparatively comfortable. As for my Christian friends and church functions we will engage in an occasional "outreach" to the local soup kitchen or hosted-cause in our area and I have become convicted that we often try to wiggle out of the call to respond.
We all have to find out what adventure Jesus wants us as individuals focused on and choose our battles wisely but we are each called to engage in justice (love in action)- this is not a suggestion or something for a select few radicals to take care of, it's for you and I! It is a command for every Jesus-follower (Isa 1:17; James 1:27). I am convinced that our love for God is expressed in our love for others through tangible service and healthy Christian activism - especially on behalf of the poor and voiceless.
After graduating from the Master's Commission in 2001, I was pretty sure I was going to "save the world". I wasn't sure exactly what that would look like- all I know is that I had a great deal of zeal! After a few years of tempered expectations, ups-and-downs, and necessary training this desire to serve God boldly turned into a quiet resolve to see God's justice touch the world through His people. Now as a college-graduate, I have recently spent over a year working for Dennis Peacocke's organization, Strategic Christian Services (SCS) - it has been an honor to work with SCS, recognizing the determined devotion for training others to fully live for God, serve others wholeheartedly and accurately. In all these years of training SCS has impacted my passions and solidified specific desire to join the modern abolitionists - specifically those who are working tirelessly to see slavery stopped again. This is my cause, my soupbox and my mission. I personally feel that this is the greatest issue of our day. Many people do not realize that "force service" (mostly among women and children) is the fastest growing illegal industry in the world - specifically that domestic trafficking is on the rise in addition, to the number of slaves today in greater than during all the years of transatlantic African slave-trade combined!
Recently I was given an opportunity to contribute abolitionist cause in my city. The organization International Justice Mission (IJM) sent out an email requesting volunteers who would be willing to take one hour and sit down with a member of congress, requesting their signature to a bill called the Child Protection Compact Act. The Act would enable relief organizations and the US government to partner with countries that have problems with the transportation and active trafficking of children; prosecuting perpetrators and providing aftercare for victims. IJM arranged conference calls and organized groups of volunteers all over the country with members of Congress within a few short months.
This is just one example of something small that I was able to be a part of- what could you do? Some have hosted information parties in their cities and some students have held rally groups. There are still others that are pursuing college degrees to become certified as "aftercase" counselors for this type of victim recovery program. After getting involved, I have become aware of that churches all over the country are mobilizing members to prayer, host personal fundraising events, rallies and awareness meetings. Some people are finding other ways to serve. Perhaps your willingness to volunteer at a women's shelter or with a similar organization in your area as increased after reading this article. I encourage you to ask the Lord how you can more fully express His love and justice to those around you. You will be amazed at the adventure He will take on! Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information or resources about human trafficking and modern slavery!
By Kristen Holt (kksfire@yahoo.com ) Some great resources: http://www.ijm.org/; http://www.love146.org/; www.state.gov/g/tip/
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